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The TRIPLE SILVER Promotion, the second promotion of our AWARD TRACK, is here!

Jul 14, 2016

Thanks for waiting, everyone!
Our extremely popular Sponsor Promotion has finished, and the TRIPLE SILVER PROMOTION, the second promotion of our AWARD TRACK, has started.
During the two-month period between May 1 (Fri) and June 30 (Tues), we will provide any individual who achieves a new TRIPLE SILVER RANK with a special bonus of 100,000JPY in addition to the regular bonus!

This special bonus of 100,000JPY is a payout rate of approximately 14% with respect to our TRIPLE SILVER (Overall total of 60 boxes = 720,000JPY)!!! And don’t forget that this doesn’t include our normal bonus!!!
This is a promotion that only THANKS AI would ever offer!

The TRIPLE SILVER PROMOTION is being planned as a step for those who are trying to get from SILVER to GOLD (the Hawaii Incentive Tour award!).

To those of you who have yet to reach TRIPLE SILVER, we hope that you utilize this promotion to the greatest extent possible. As for leading members who have reached TRIPLE SILVER and over, by supporting a large number of promotion achievers as a group, we hope you rank up your own levels and get your Hawaii Incentive Tour♪

Please refer to your leaflet from more promotion details.
* Promotion leaflets will be available for download from FASTRACK starting from May 13 (Wed) at 10:00 AM.

Thank you.


10月8日(木) 三重 会社主催 ミネラルセミナー

Jul 14, 2016

● 内容 : 植物性ミネラルとフルボ酸、さらに【農業】愛産物農法について

● 日時 : 2015年10月8日(木) 13:30~

● 場所 : 〒514-0002 三重県津市島崎143-6

● 施設名 : サン・ワーク津 第5会議室

● 最寄駅 : JR・近鉄「津駅」下車 東出口より東へ徒歩20分

● 講師 : たち

AWARD TRACK 第2弾!!! トリプルシルバープロモーションスタート!

Jul 14, 2016

大好評のうちに終了いたしました「スポンサープロモーション」に続き、AWARD TRACKより第2弾!「トリプルシルバープロモーション」がスタートしました!ヽ(^。^)ノ

5月1日(金)より6月30日(火)までの2ヵ月、新規トリプルシルバーランクを達成され方へ通常ボーナスとは別に「特別ボーナス ¥100,000」をお支払いたします!!!

トリプルシルバー(左右合計60箱=¥720,000)に対して、¥100,000とは、キャンペーンボーナスだけで、還元率がなんと約14%!!! しかも、通常ボーナスとは別にお支払い!!!\(◎o◎)/






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